mission OBjectives
Our goal is to empower Alaskan high school-age youth to assume leadership roles in creating an enduring statewide movement that can bring Alaska-specific concerns and insights into the ongoing efforts of national and international organizations dedicated to the global elimination of nuclear weapons.
Through the Point Hope Congress, high school-age participants would become:
1. Equipped with a basic understanding of:
The destructive power of nuclear weapons
The world’s nuclear weapons arsenals and infrastructure
The risks accidental detonation
The risks of proliferation and acquisition by non-state entities
The nature and cost of weapons modernization programs
Evolving global policies restraining or encouraging developments and use of nuclear weapons
Prevailing arguments and disincentives to disarmament of nuclear armed states
2. Motivated to become an Alaska voice, rising in concert with national and international movements for the global elimination of nuclear weapons, by creating:
Opportunities to collaborate and network with experts, non-governmental ambassadors and young activists presently engaged with national and international organizations committed to the elimination of nuclear weapons
Workshops offering introductory and practical skills in communication, active listening, and diplomacy, community organizing through public speaking, journalism and social media, and alternative forms of advocacy involving the arts